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Dance Workshops

These are held occasionally – usually on weekends or in the breaks between terms.


These may include a guest instructor, focus on a dance not in our usual rotation or prepare us to go to a special local event.


Workshops may also be restricted to intermediate & advanced dancers in a particular dance or style.


The DanceFix syllabus also includes a generic workshop series that focuses on technique, styling, musicality, partnership or tricks (lifts & drops) - see below.

We recommend our students attend each one at least once.

Contact us to be kept in the loop or

follow our Facebook Events page to book in for the next one.

DanceFix Latin Ballroom Classes

DanceFix Workshop Series


Covers those aspects of body movement and footwork that make your dancing look and feel more comfortable and controlled and gives each of the dances their unique personality and appearance. These workshops cover the details of how to turn, spin, pivot, spiral as well as achieve extensions, sway, contrabody movement, isolations, rise and fall and latin hip motion.



Covers those aspect of body movement, arm styling and fancy footwork that improve the appearance of your dancing and allow you to improvise and inject your own unique personality into your dancing.



Covers timing and musicality. It helps you learn to identify the beat in a piece of music and which dance is best suited to it. It also helps you understand how you can interpret the music and modify timing without compromising the core characteristics of the dance and without compromising your ability to lead or follow.



Covers the secrets of leading, following and moving well together as a team. Core following skills and the variety of hand, body and visual signals used in leading are reviewed and some fun exercises used to practice good partnership.



Covers a variety of lifts, drops, laybacks, rolls & leans that can be used in freestyle dancing as well as some special showmoves you would only use with your regular dance partner.

The DanceFix Difference


Social dancing for the real world

Practical moves to dance with any partner,

to any music, anywhere


​A better learning experience


Small classes, personal attention

& standalone short courses.


With 30yrs experience we make it


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